Monday, January 5, 2009


With a smile on my face, I am writing to tell you that Sarah is now officially weaned. You may remember me talking about this challenge many posts ago. Before we left for BC we wanted her to be taking the bottle for her day feeds and I was still nursing her morning and evening. Well, during our time in Abbotsford it seemed that we would often give her the bottle for her evening feed as well. This was often easier while we were out, when people were over and when my mom was watching her.

And so we seemed to be down to just the morning feed. At that point we figured why not just give her the bottle then as well. I didn't seem to be producing much anymore and she seemed to be enjoying the bottle more anyways. So it seemed like a logical decision for us; the timing was right. It's been 6 days (I think), and I am so glad with the decision that we made. I ended up nursing exclusively for 8 months and took nearly an entire month to wean.

Looking back, I'm glad how gradual the weaning process was. It was easier for Sarah and much easier for my body to adjust. I'm also happy with how natural it was. Once Sarah got the hang of the bottle it was smooth sailing for all of us. Now we've only got 3 more months of buying formula before we can switch to cows milk. It's amazing how expensive formula is, yikes!

Anyways, that's it for now, hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the start to another year. Sarah's still got a bit of a runny nose and I went to sleep last night with a sore throat. I am so looking forward to both feeling better. Lucky David has been feeling fine, which is great since he started school yesterday. So far so good.

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