Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sarah having a Tantrum...

Every so often when Sarah is upset about something (wanting to eat or go to sleep but usually eat), she will throw herself on the floor and cry...awesome. We just wait for her to eventually get up and go to her highchair. Then we feed her, problem solved. Everyone has their moments. Did you hear David achoo in the background? Thought that was funny when I watched the clip.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Not many new posts these days

Yep, haven't been posting much these days, so I thought I would write a little something. Between playing with Sarah, having different guests for the past couple of weeks, David being home now, working on card orders, madly working on my website now that our guests are gone and me dog sitting 2-3 times each day there has not been a lot of time or energy for posting on the family blog.

Everyone is doing good. Sarah continues to be a little rascal, into everything, yet still an incredible sleeper. She continues to sleep 2.5-3 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon and goes to bed from 7-7. We are blessed. It's amazing how you can love your child(ren) so much yet look forwwrad to their bedtimes so much as well, I've always thought that was odd. The other day she decided to walk off the couch and gashed her ear, it looks pretty good already thankfully. In the same afternoon she was walking from our rec room to the downstairs kitchen area, fell on the tile and chipped one of her front teeth. Poor girl, we are continually amazed with her pain tolerance and ability to shake it off and go again.

I've been feeling great. Can't believe we're almost 32 weeks along already, where has the time gone?!? Actually a little scary. I would say my excitement for this baby is about the same as my first pregnancy, however my focus is very different. With the first one you read the What to Expect book weekly and take in every new and special moment. This time around it feels like the pregnancy is just happening and life is just going on as normal. I suppose that's the difference when you already have a little one to care for. We have an empty room for the baby but still need to get the bassinet and other items figured out and set up.

I must admit that this one is very active. Sarah was very active, but this one seems to be constantly moving. Could be interesting. I'm down to doctor's appointments every 2 weeks now, yahoo (with sarcasm). All seems well. I just broke the 150 mark this week, the doctor says I seem on the smaller side, so who knows. So far we have our full girl name picked out but have no first name if it's a boy, we better get on that soon.

My business is coming along well. I've reinvested all the profits, and now it's time to start making some money. I have felt "risk" as I have created a new website and put money into advertising. There are no guarantees. Let's hope that things pay off. I'm excited to launch my new site this coming week and see what happens.

This afternoon we went to the Book Depot here in St. Catharines. It's a place that I've wanted to visit for a long time now and for some reason we just hadn't (David always thought it would be no good). Anyways, it's a massive book warehouse with lots of incredible deals. I wanted to bring my cousin Debbie there when she was out to visit but we didn't get around to it. Now I feel like I let her down, since the place was pretty much amazing. Tons of books all at great deals. We were in there for nearly 2 hours and didn't even see everything. The children's book selection was incredible as well, not to mention the Christian literature area. It's a place we'll be going back to in the near future.

Also a very Happy Birthday to our niece Chloe who just turned one yesterday! Wish we could go to her party tomorrow!

And a big congratulations to our sister in law Libby, who just got hired as a full time teacher at MEI middle school. We couldn't be happier for you! You've worked really hard for this, we are so thrilled for you!

Our little munchkin dumping out her toy bin. She's making an odd face here. I don't have any brand new photos, so this is from a couple of weeks ago.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spending Time with Debbie and Tim

A week ago my cousins Debbie and Tim came to vist for 6 days. It was great to spend time with them, see some sights and experience some new things. Amazingly, I didn't take many photos while they were here, but here's a bunch to give you an idea.

We spent a day at the CNE. It was opening day so admission was only $1.75 pp

Sarah enjoyed looking at the animals
Debbie taking a break from all the walking.

We went to Port Dalhousie for an afternoon.

We spent a day at Marineland where we fed lots of animals.

We went to Centre Island/ Toronto Island for a couple of hours before Debbie and Tim had to be at the airport.

Sarah liked watching the train go by.

There was a large amusement park all for kids about 2-6 years old. Perhaps next summer we'll have to come back..

Our group sitting in a HUGE chair.

Our little family

There was a Franklin Storybook Garden. Debbie and I thought it was pretty cute.

View coming back from the island on the little ferry.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

David's Birthday

Today was David's birthday. We didn't do a lot on the day besides have a steak BBQ at home and just spend time together. We just had a couple of day trips while Regan and Jen were out and have lots of things planned for this coming week when Debbie and Tim come out. So we thought we would take it easy this week.

On Friday we went to Marineland for a little picnic to walk around and see the animals. It's amazing how much more Sarah seems to enjoy it each time we go. On Thursday we went to Tony Roma's for all you can eat ribs. This is something that David has wanted to do for quite some time, so his birthday seemed like a great time. Too bad that dinner out with a one year old isn't exactly a relaxing experience. Hence dinner at home yesterday while Sarah was in bed...much more relaxing.

I can't believe how long her hair is already. The pigtails have become her daily "look." With the weather being so warm she seems happiest to have her hair off her neck. Cute too!

While at Marineland there was a band playing. Sarah enjoyed grooving to the music and turning in circles on the grass.

Sarah LOVED feeding the animals, especialy the bears! She watched David throw some marshmallows into the bears mouths and wanted to take part right away.
Every time she would throw a marshmallow through the fence she would squeal with funny!

The observation area is perfect for kids since it allows them to see all the bears and be able to feed them. Feeding the animals is very encouraged at the park. They sell different kinds of food all over the park. Last time we went to Marineland we took note of what they sold for animal food and the lists of what the animals like to eat. Then we just brought our own food for the animals. Who knew bears love marshmallows and corn pops!?!

Then it was time to visit the deer. As soon as David started feeding the deer corn pops they started to follow us. Within minutes we had a huge heard of deer following us. David thought this was great, Sarah wasn't too sure.

Today David wants to go to the Flea Market in the afternoon, so it seems that's the plan... should be interesting. Life is good. We're thankful for our central air AC with the warmer temperatures and looking forward to our next guests arriving. More good times with my cousins Debbie and Tim.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


So it seems that the stork has arrived for many of our friends...Congratulations!
(Us women only wish it was the stork that brought these little miracles into our lives)

Michelle and Shane (from our new care group) had a baby girl last week, Leah Megan (pic above)

Pam and Stephen Wells had a baby girl yesterday, Olivia Autumn.

Emma and Adam (from our new care group) had a baby girl this morning, Brook.

Jeanette and Brian found out the other day that they'll be adopting a baby girl (she was just born last week).

Nate and Melissa had a baby BOY last week, Joshua Nathan.

(Hopefully I didn't miss anyone)

So many babies! Today we get to drop off a meal and meet little Leah, so exciting!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Port Dalhousie

On Saturday David had to go to work and Regan went to Waterloo to visit with friends, so Jen, Sarah and I spent the day together. After Sarah's 3.5 hour morning nap we headed out to Port Dalhousie for a walk and carousel ride. The weather wasn't that nice but it was warm out anyways.
Jen and Sarah on the pier.

Time for a ride on the 5 cent carousel. Sarah loved it!

Jen and Sarah playing on the playground

Today we are sad to see Regan and Jen leave already. It has been so great to have them here, even if it was only for a few days. We felt like we were on vacation as well since we did several touristy things and just spent time relaxing. Thanks for the visit Jen and Regan!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The African Lion Safari- Awesome!

Yesterday we went to the African Lion Safari (just over an hour away from where we live). There is 9 km of road/ pathway that goes through different animal areas where the animals are wild and uncaged. It was amazing!

Sarah loved being not buckled into her carseat and enjoyed watching the animals just outside the car.

One of the best parts of the safari was the baboons. They were jumping and sliding all over the cars. Sarah thought this was pretty great, as did we!

We were surprised the the ostrich's were really curious in the cars as well. They were walking right up to the car and blocking our way.

These big guys kept standing right in the middle of the road and eyeing us up. It was so funny to be sitting in the car and have animals looking right in our windows.

After the safari we watched the elephants go for a swim. The babies were so... cute!

After the elephant swim we went on the African Queen Boat tour to see more monkeys and birds.

Then it was time for the Train ride...

Choo Choo... Sarah LOVED the train!

Such a fun day and awesome experience!
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