Wednesday, August 5, 2009

28 Weeks...really?!?

Time just seems to be flying by. Today we had to go to the hospital so that I could get blood work done for being RH negative...good times. Then it was off to see the baby doctor for a check up. Baby is good, I'm good, we were in and out in minutes. The funny thing was that as soon as I lay down and the doctor was listening for the heart beat Sarah freaked out. David was holding her but she was crying and really upset.

In the last few days it almost seems like she's figured out that something is going on and isn't so sure about it. She likes to lay on my stomach (weird, especially for her), cuddle and wants to be with me a lot. All things that are out of character for her. Interesting.

Anyways, then at 4pm we had to head back to the hospital so that I could get my special shot for being RH negative, more good times.

While we were there I asked if we could have a little tour since we had never been to the Niagara Falls hospital. The nurses were really friendly and quickly offered to show us around. The hospital is small (usually only 5-8 women in the maternity ward each day) and everything seems to be set up really well. All of the rooms are private with ample space, an extra cot and a big window. There is even a mini parking lot just outside the delivery rooms so that we can park and go right into where we will have the baby. No walking through any halls or going up elevators, I loved this idea. Brilliant. I actually felt excited that we were having our baby there, it also made the whole thing more real once again. Our next baby appointment is in 3 weeks from now, they're starting to get closer together.

When we got home we went outside for awhile. David picked 7 more zucchini and about the same number of cucumbers. Sadly, one of my sunflowers (that's bigger than me) fell down in the rain/ wind storm last night and broke at the stem. I seriously need to re stake all of our tomato plants before the same thing happens to them. Forget tomato cages here, they do nothing!

Just as we were going to go in Sarah seemed to have gotten stung by a bee/ wasp or something. Poor girl's little pinky swelled up and she was crying. I was amazed how fast she seemed to get over it though. At least we know that she's not allergic.

And now we wait for Jen and Regan. They should be here any minute now. I just made some more zucchini/ carrot muffins ( much zucchini!) and cleaned up Sarah's toys. We're so excited to see friends. We moved the spare bedroom downstairs, which makes more sense since there's another full bathroom downstairs and it's nice and cool. Now we're ready to make the extra upstairs room into baby's room.

This pic was taken a week or so ago. I still feel so small and comfortable, loving it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going well in the baby department. Sounds like your stay in the hospital should be comfortable!

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