Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Answering Machine

She's found it. The answering machine that is. Who needs toys anyways?

Before we left to BC Sarah was into everything under tables, including cords and whatever else found its way beneath a surface. Upon our return back to Ontario she hasn't even seemed to notice those cords and things. At first this seemed like great news. However, I soon realized that it only meant that she is now into everything on top of the tables, this includes the coffee table and telephone tables.

The answering machine is the best thing yet. It's got buttons, a light and says things when you press the buttons. As soon as she hears my voice on the machine a big smile comes across her face.

Sarah has also become very good at crouching down and sitting from standing, making falls very infrequent. Now all that she has got left to do is walk. I wonder how long it will take her? Then we'll really be in for trouble.


Anonymous said...

The joys of child growth. And it only gets busier the bigger they get!

Nancy Skeels said...

I love it! Just wait until she's able to reach everything on the counter top (knives, hot coffee, pots and pans) ... all of a sudden, you need to be completely vigilant again.

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