Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cheap Skates and Skating

Cheap skates! Why yes we are and yes they were! The other day we stopped in at Liquidation World to have a look around. I had never been there so I was curious if they had any good deals or not. Well... did I get a deal! Brand new CCM skates for just $6.90 (90% off). I have never owned my own skates and now living in Ontario skates seem to be a must have item. I was thrilled with our find, it was perfect timing!

Yahoo for cheap skates!

This afternoon we went skating on our neighbours backyard rink. Well I did at least, since I'm the only one that has skates. It snowed much of the night and all day today. The temperature finally warmed up to -4 so it was the perfect day for a skate. It's been about -14 all week, so -4 actually felt pretty good.We layered and bundled Sarah up and hit the rink. She had so much clothes on that she could hardly move. It reminded me of that scence from "A Christmas Story." She was as happy as could be.

Keisha had to take part in the action. Here Sarah is with Summer.

Me and Cathy

Time for some hockey

We have been so blessed with such great neighbours! Last night Cathy even brought over leftover turkey dinner when we got home from the Wine Festival. I have so enjoyed spending time with them and having someone to talk to here. God has blessed us indeed and we are truly thankful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cool to have a backyard rink! And neighbors who are willing to share it. :)

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