Saturday, November 8, 2008

Walking to Lock 7

Yesterday afternoon Sarah, Keisha and I went for a walk down to the canal, which is our version of a waterfront. There are extensive paved trails all along the canal, which would be great if we were into running or cycling. Oh well, they also serve as wonderful walking trails.

The canal is actually a pretty big deal here since it allows for the huge ships to go up and down the escarpment. Thorold's city phrase is "Where the Ships Climb the Mountain." This is indeed true as one can watch how the different locks along the canal fill or release water in order for the ships to travel along the canal. The ship pictured below is in the lock which is filling with water, since the ship is travelling up the canal.

One of Thorold's "famous" monuments, ha ha.

Nanuk, the monumental polar bear that "watches" the ships. I tucked Keisha's leash in the stroller when I went to take the photo. As I took the photo I realized that Sarah was holding the leash in her mouth, what a funny girl!

Wall mural

I continue to be amazed by the colours of fall here. Who wouldn 't want to go for walks on streets like these, especially with the warm weather that we have been having?


Anonymous said...

I think it would be really interesting to watch boats go through the locks. I must add it to my list of things to see if we do our cross Canada trip next summer.

Shari said...

A cross Canada trip! You would have to come and stay with us so that we can show you around.

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