Monday, November 10, 2008

7 Months!

Another month has come and gone, Sarah is 7 months. She continues to amaze us with her fun loving and active personality.
Today Sarah had her 6 month vaccinations and doctors check up. I know it's one month late but it's a little complicated having started the vaccinations in BC and knowing that we will one day be moving back there. Ontario gives less needles at a time and seems to have quite a different vaccination schedule. Oh well, I think they have got it all figured out now.

Anyways, Sarah has finally doubled her birth weight and is now 16 lbs 14 oz (60%). She is now 69 cm long (86%).

She now sits on her own without support for longer periods of time. Just the other day I noticed that she is able to put herself into sitting position from laying down. She has been able to crawl along the floor pulling and pushing herself along for quite some time now. She has just recently started crawling on her hands and knees. Sarah has always been a good little eater. She now eats 3 meals of solids a day and seems to have enjoyed everything that we have given her so far. I think that sweet potatoes and well pureed bananas are her favourite at the moment.

Sarah also loves her toys! It amazes me how long she can entertain herself. She now knows where her toys are kept in the living room and enjoys tipping over the basket and pulling all of her toys out. David and I recently realized that we didn't really have any good developmental toys for Sarah to play with, just a few small stuffies and the toys that came with her bouncy chair and jumper. So we headed off to Toys R Us and used part of a gift card that we recieved when Sarah was born. And now our little girl has a few proper baby toys.

Much to my delight, "mom" is Sarah's first word. She had been saying it for a couple of weeks but it wasn't until about a week ago that I was sure that it meant me. That girl sure can make my heart melt! She will say "mom" from her crib in the morning or after naps as well as when I'm near or when I'm holding her. I love it!

1 comment:

DAve and JAnie said...

Hi, I don't know if you will remember me, but it's Janie from Matsqui village (your mom used to baby sit me). I found your link through Tammy and am really enjoying seeing what you have been up to! Your daughter is adorable!
Oh yeah, one thing I found kinda funny: my husband and I play ticket to ride as well. I actualy have not ever met another person who has played (without us showing them about the game)! Neat!
Feel free to snoop on our blog too if you would like.
Take care.

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