Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thorold Santa Clause Parade

Every town/ city in the Niagara Region seems to have their own Santa Clause Parade, all this weekend. One could easily go to three or four parades if they wanted to. People here really seem to like parades.

Being a small community, Thorold's parade wasn't very exciting. However, I liked how it featured all the schools, small businesses, etc. It really had a community feel to it! To give you an idea of how close the parade was to our house, the picture below was taken from our driveway and the street that we were walking to was the main parade street (just 3 doors from our house).

Eagerly awaiting the parade. Sarah's second parade already.

David had too much fun collecting candy and then throwing it into the street when there was nothing happening. All the kids in the area would eye it up and one or two braves ones would make a run for it before their parents noticed. Then the happy child would shout with joy, "I got a candy, I got a candy." What a bad influence he can be, it was pretty funny though.

This is just to give you an idea of what is in a small town parade. The woman is pushing a stuffed santa that is at a spa getting a pedicure. She owns home business spa. yikes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Love the stuffed Santa at the spa. So hilarious. I also like David's choice of entertainment. Sounds like something Gary would do too.

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