Thursday, November 20, 2008

9 Years!

It’s hard to believe that David and I have been married for 9 years already. The time has gone by so fast, and yet I have so many wonderful memories and feel like we’ve been together for a long time. I always said that we were newlyweds until we had kids, so I suppose this is the first year that I will consider us an “old married couple.”

When we got married people would tell us how love grows and that as much as we loved each other then we could love each other so much more down the road. So true! I am happy to say that we are more in love with each other now than we ever were. It doesn’t mean that every day has been amazing; we’ve had ups and downs too. But our love has remained constant and we continue to cherish one another. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to experience life with someone that I love so dearly.

We were planning on spending the evening in Toronto at the Food and Wine Show. We even had a baby sitter set up for Sarah (thanks anyways Sawatsky family). However, with Sarah not being fully over being sick we decided it would be best to stay home. Which was a good idea, since now I don't feel well either. Oh well, maybe next year. So we're ordering in some pizza, curling up on the couch and watching a movie together.

*I'd post an old wedding photo, but we got married in the non digital age, so that would mean that I have to scan one, just too much work right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! In Hollywood years that's like 25 years. ;)

I think ordering in and curling up on the couch with a movie sounds like a really nice way to celebrate. Hope you're all feeling better soon.

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