Monday, November 24, 2008

Flame Resistant Sleepwear?!?

Every couple of weeks I open up the next size bin of Sarah's clothes to see if there's anything new that will fit her. I have been doing my best to ensure that she gets to wear all those cute little garments that she got has gifts. So far I have been doing pretty good. I think that there will just be a few things that will be missed due to the wrong size for the season issue. However, I am layering tank tops over long sleeves, etc as well.

Anyways, as I am looking at sleepers I have often come across "flame resistant" on the tags. What does this really mean? Shouldn't we as parents be more concerned about not exposing our children to fire than choosing flame resistant sleepers, just in case? Or am I just naive since I have not been a parent for very long; is exposure to fire something that happens with babies? I have to admit that I find the whole idea of flame resistant clothing to actually be kind of funny, in a ridiculous kind of way. Sarah also has several sleepers that fit snuggly against the skin, as this is also a way to keep baby safe against flames? What do they think we're going to do, put her next to a fire and see what happens?

So I decided to check out the whole idea on the internet. Where else does one go to have their odd questions answered (I know I have too much times on my hands)? So apparently, all infant sleepwear (up to several years old), is chemically treated to be flame resistant. In 1987 under the Hazardous Products Act a law was passed that all children’s sleepwear must be flame resistant, who knew? So there it is. Our babies are safer from flames but are clothed with chemically treated fabrics.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hilarious! Can't adults have flame resistant clothing then too?

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