Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thoughts on a Saturday

David's at school again for the day. Boo for having to go to school on Saturday! Sarah is on the mend and doing much better thankfully. David ended up getting a little sick too, but seems to be doing better as well.

We're enjoying days full of sunshine. However, the last couple of days it dropped back down to the -1 to +3 temperatures. It's supposed to warm up again soon which will be nice.

There doesn't seem to be much going on here these days. I feel like we're really just living life one day at a time. It's been nice to enjoy a slower pace and have free days rather than days that are all booked up for us.

With my maternity leave coming to a close on April 1st, the question has been am I going back to work? I'm amazed how often I've been asked this question in the last month or so. It's hard to give a definite answer for this. Obviously I'm not going back to MEI, so that means I have to get hired elsewhere. Due to the issue of childcare, car sharing, and not wanting to work full time, I would ideally like to work one day a week. A neighbour friend that lives a couple of streets over has offered to baby sit in our home one day a week, so this seems like a pretty ideal situation. Now for getting hired. In the next couple of weeks I'm going to apply at a couple of private schools in the area. When I made a couple of calls a few weeks ago to one of the schools they told me that they weren't hiring at the moment. We're just leaving it in God's hands and trusting that something will work out if it's meant to be. The worst case scenario is that I stay home full time with Sarah (which is pretty good) and we have less money. However, working one day a week isn't exactly going to make us rich or anything.

It looks like we're also going to have a change with David as well. We were both excited that he got a Co op position working with Vincor and the wineries in the area. However, that has now almost for sure fallen through. When he originally told them that he needed time off to go to BC for his brother’s wedding they said that was fine and they would make it work. Now they're saying (those from above) that it isn't ok and that in order to have the position he can't have any days off during the four month term (what??) Since missing the wedding is not an option he's declined the position. We were initially pretty disappointed but are feeling better about the situation.

In the next few weeks he needs to confirm a new placement, probably at a local winery. On the plus side of things, the start date and holiday times will most likely be a little more flexible since he won't be working for a major company. So who knows? Time will tell where he'll end up working this spring/ summer.

With the uncertainty of David's work dates and his exam dates it looks like our holiday time at the end of April will be less than we were originally planning. We are currently revising our road trip plan to only include Canada. With the dollar not being great right now as well, we're thinking that it may be best to New York, etc another time. Who knows when?

So as far as updates that's about all we got at the moment. My mom’s coming out for 10 days to visit on April 5. We're so excited to see her and looking forward to spending some quality time together. On June 18 we fly to Abbotsford (don't know when we're coming home yet). Our friends, Jen and Regan, have also booked their tickets to come out our way August 1. They'll be travelling around visiting a bunch of friends, but we're looking forward to the days that we'll get with them. It's great to have things to look forward to! The guest room is ready, all it needs is guests!

It's amazing that Sarah is turning 1 in less just a few weeks! I feel like I should be planning some kind of big first birthday party. But with no family here and limited friends, there's really nothing to plan. Since her birthday falls on Good Friday this year, and we're having Easter dinner with our relatives on Saturday, I thought I would just bring a cake then. Since they're who we would have over anyways, it just makes sense. My mom will be here for her birthday as well, which will be fun. So it will be a low key first birthday.

Anyways, this ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be, but then again I had more time than I thought I would have. Anyways, I hear Sarah starting to wake up so I better go get her and give her lunch. I made a ton of cabbage rolls yesterday for dinner, so we’ve got lots of leftovers for meals today. Have a good weekend!
I think it's so cute when Sarah grabs a book and lays on her stomach to look at it.

Reading with daddy

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