Monday, March 16, 2009

Playing Around

On Saturday we spent the evening with Matt, Kristi and kids. Sarah loves exploring their toy room and following around the kids. I continue to be amazed how much she loves being with other little ones. The Lee's were so generous as to send home a little car/ walker and an activity table that their kids had outgrown. These have been Sarah's favourite toys the last couple of days. She just can't seem to get enough of each of them. I will work on getting a better video clip of her pushing around the little car.

We're amazed how much she is growing and changing each day! She waves bye bye (or just in general), shakes her head and says Keisha (in her own way). Every day she stands alone for longer periods of time, sometimes clapping her hands or waving them. Today she took a couple of steps on her own. She loves to point at everything and everyone. Today when we went for a walk she was pointing at the sky half the time and just waving her arms in the air and shrieking(practicing for roller coasters). She has also started this thing where she stands up and lunges forward falling on her stomach. It seems to have started after she figured out she could do this into the pool of balls at our care group leaders house. At home she usually does this on top of us or poor Keisha, she's got no fear! I feel like I have so many things to video, they're just all so hard to get on video. It seems that as soon as I bring out the camera she looks at me and stops. I think it's funny how Keisha always follows Sarah around. It seems that in every video clip of Sarah moving around, Keisha is right beside her.

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