Tuesday, March 10, 2009

11 Months

Another month has come and gone. I can't believe Sarah will be 1 in just one month, truly amazing how fast a year can go. I don't feel like there's a lot of new milestones to report this month, rather just growth in all areas.

The one challenge this month has been adjusting feedings. A few weeks ago I was finding that Sarah wasn't taking her 'before bed' bottle very well. But would wake up around 11ish hungry. So we recognized that it was time for a change. After playing with feeding times and amounts we decided to take out a bottle feeding and voila, it worked!

So here's her new daily schedule (all 'ish' times but pretty close):
7:30ish wake up and 180 mL bottle
8:30 breakfast (cereal and fruit)
9:30/10-12 nap
12 lunch (meat and veg, fruit for dessert), water to drink
2ish 180 mLbottle
2:30-4:30 afternoon nap
4:30/5 Dinner (meat and veg), water to drink
7 180 mL bottle and bed

Things continue to be going great. She's a happy, busy little girl. Not walking on her own yet, we think she's just so content with crawling and walking along the furniture and walls. There just doesn't seem to be a need since she can get anywhere she wants...and fast! She likes to play with her toys and look at her books. She's also quite the little babbler. No new words this month, but sometimes it sounds like she's saying Keisha. They continue to be quite the little buddies. This afternoon I put Sarah down for her nap and then saw the door open and heard her gigging. Keisha was in her room playing around on the carpet, they're a couple of clowns together. Sarah's mostly in all 12-18 months clothes now (some 6-12 depending on the brand). We continue to feel so blessed for such a content, happy little girl.

Taking photos of Sarah seems to just be getting more and more difficult. She's always squirming and moving away. Long gone are the days of her sitting nicely while I can take photos of her.


Celle said...

Your family is beautiful!

And reply to other post -- LOVE Duff's Wings! Well, I love wings in general. Others that I recommend are Wild Wings and All Star Wings for flavour variety.

Melanie said...

Oh, she's so precious! I can't believe how she looks like a little girl now, not a baby anymore. Absolutely beautiful!

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