Thursday, June 24, 2010

Stickers with Aunty Libby

Looks like Calvin wasn't the first person that Sarah attacked with stickers. I was organizing some photo files and came across some pics on our second memory card from our time in BC. Aunty Libby was such a great sport, I had totally forgot about this. Oh Sarah...

The last few days we've had hot weather, crazy rain and thunder storms. I actually really like this kind of weather. However, when you walk everywhere like we do, I feel like I'm always in fear that we could get rained on at any minute. So when there seems to be a break in the clouds and all looks well we head out on a quick walk to the post office or wherever we're off to that day. This morning we made it out to my women's Bible study social. We haven't been in ages since we don't have a car and it's too far to walk. A couple of the women have toddlers and babies as well, so they shared the picking us up and dropping us off. I was so thankful for the opportunity to get out in the day. Then it's lunch time and now nap time.
Calvin has been teething the last couple of days which isn't so fun. His top teeth have now cut through and he seems to be back to his happy self again. Thank goodness.
I'm not sure what we'll do the rest of the day. Somehow the time always seems to go by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm eager to experience the Ontario weather for myself while we're there!

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