Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Life Group End of Year BBQ/ Pool Party

Yesterday our life group got together for a BBQ at Steve and Kristy's house. David got home at 6:45 (like always), so we got there an hour late, oh well. Good people and good food. I realized the other day that I don't have any photos of anyone in our group so I thought I would take a moment to take a bunch of candid shots. I mostly got photos of the kids, since they're the ones that are always doing something interesting. So here's some pictures of Sarah and her little boy friends.

Mason attempting to share a ball with Sarah.

She loves balls. She can't quite say it yet, just sounds like ba so far.

Our pretty little lady, I just can't get enough of her.

Dan and baby Jared. Funny thing, in our previous care group there was a Dan that had a Jared too. No pics of Renita (next time).

Adam playing with Noah. Emma is sitting at the table. We just learned that they're having a girl. So come August, Sarah will not be the only girl in the group!

Steve and little Carter, no pics of Kristy either (next time).

Mason (mom and dad, Michelle and Shane are at the table as well)

The 3 kiddies playing around. As you can imagine, there is never a quiet, totally relaxed moment in our group. 5 couples and 5 kids under two, with 3 more due before Halloween, yikes! At least we're all in the same boat. Always interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really great group you're part of.

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