Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Back to Ontario

After a full 12 days in Abbotsford and a less than desirable flight home, we returned home to Ontario. This photo was taken at 1 am Ontario time/ 10 pm BC time. Our poor little girl got sick sometime during the flight. She had a tiny bit of a runny nose before we left my moms place for the airport so I packed the Tylenol in the top of my backpack so I could give it to her just before we checked in. Well, with all the goodbyes I forgot the Tylenol and checked the bag. Sarah seemed fine so I wasn't too worried.

On our flight to Edmonton she fussed around for awhile then finally fell asleep in my arms 20 minutes before we landed. She wasn't too impressed to wake up but once she saw the play place and could walk around freely she was back to her old self. We all ate and walked around a little before boarding our second plane to Toronto. As a side note, we learned that the original plane that we were on was going to Toronto and was just briefly stopping in Edmonton. Why in the world would Westjet make us change planes and therefore get home an hour later?!? Even the flight attendent and pilot couldn't understand this.

Thankfully, Sarah slept for several hours on our second flight. However, she would often wake up momentarily with a cry and some body thrashing before falling asleep again. She also had a reallly runny nose, watery eyes and was drooling lots. About 45 minutes before landing Sarah threw up all over both of her blankets, me and herself. Yuck! At this point she was feeling warm and had one very rosy cheek. I was so thankful that we were travelling prepared and brought 2 extra changes of clothes for Sarah and a full change of clothes for each of us. (On our flight to Abbotsford, Sarah tossed her bottle on David's lap, which somehow opened, leaving him with a lap of milk for over 4 hours). So we all headed to the bathroom and got changed. Sarah was much happier for the last part of the journey. However, the two of us still had that puke smell and were feeling pretty done.

It's difficult to tell what Sarah actually has since she is also teething in a major way at the moment. The sickness could all be related to the teeth or not at all. Who knows. Anyways, today we relaxed at home, let Sarah catch up on sleep, did laundry, etc. Hopefully our little girl feels better soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Sounds like quite the flight home. Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound though.

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