Friday, June 12, 2009

Life continues on...

I realized that I haven't posted anything in the last couple of days. I suppose my time on the computer has been spent creating, designing and editing card images. Yep, the little business seems to be on its way. I've had quite a few orders already, and seem to get one or two each day. Some are quick and others take more time. I've been enjoying the learning experience and creative outlet. Yesterday I even spent some time designing some Christmas card templates. The goal is to have between 20-25 ready to go before the baby comes. So far I've got four done! So it looks like I won't be packing this idea up anytime soon.

Since my free little website only allows up to 25 "contact us" forms each month I am trying to figure out what to do in the website department. I've already almost met that quota and it hasn't even been two weeks yet. Not to mention that the free sites are generally not as professional and nice looking. So there's that to figure out as well.

I can't belive that we go to Abbotsford in less than a week. We're excited about being there but not looking forward to the flight. Sarah has pretty much slept on all our other flights, however, we have a feeling that this one will be a very different story.

We've still got some things to get planned, figured out, bought, etc before the trip so I think some of my time will go towards that in the next few days. David works every day until we leave so I'm hoping that I can get the car at least one of those days to do errands, etc. Tonight I plan to make some gourmet mac and cheese. We've still got tons of cheese to eat and not that many days at home. So I'll be cooking with cheese for the next few nights for sure.

So things are good here. I've been loving the warm (but not too hot) weather (who doesn't?) and spending time in the backyard with Sarah. I was glad to get the garden all weeded yesterday. It looks like everything came up and is doing well, so we're happy about that. We had a shipment of shingles left on our roof yesterday so we're happy about the thought of having a new roof, especially since we've had some water damage on Sarah's ceiling and now in one of the living room walls. We're hoping it happens while we're away so we don't have to hear all the noise. Here's hoping. Well that's about it for now.

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