Saturday, February 7, 2009

Warmer Days

After lots of snow and cold temperatures things are finally warming up around here, at least for today. Plus 10 is very welcome after -14 temperatures! It also means lots of puddles and yucky snow at the sides of the road. Oh well, I suppose it's a small price to pay. It's almost wierd to see our lawn again.

On Saturday morning David and I indulged in the luxury of going to the spa and getting a couples massage, followed by time spent relaxing in the hot tub. Since my maternity leave is almost over we figured it was time to take full advantage of my wonderful benefits, since we know it will be a very long time until we can do this sort of thing again. I also plan to meet the dentist and get an eye exam this week to get a new pair of glasses. What a treat! Our neighbours came over to take care of Sarah while we were pampered so we knew that she was in good hands. I'm so glad with how comfortable she is with eveyone. She never plays shy or panics when we leave. She's becoming quite a well socialized little girl.

In the evening we went to the Sawatskys for dinner. Rachel is such an amazing cook and the company is always wonderful. The kids got a Wii and Wii fit for Christmas so we spent time taking turns on that and having some good laughs. A great Saturday indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A trip to the spa sounds divine. So does +10 weather!

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