Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Facts About Me

I thought I would write out one of those 25 random fact things from facebook. This is more of a 25 things about me post, and there's no tag. Just some thoughts.

1. I am married to a man that I love more each day. I couldn’t imagine spending life with any other than David. He is encouraging, thoughtful, challenging and able to be completely honest with me.

2. Thoughtful cards and notes have always been a source of encouragement for me. Some people seem to have the gift of being able to say things just right and touch my heart. (Marie, you will always be my number 1 card giver, thanks for all the sweet words through the years). Likewise, a card without written words is often disappointing for me.

3. I love to work with my hands and create things. I’ve always had a hard time just sitting and watching a movie, I figure I may as well be doing two things at once.

4. I love to take existing recipes and combine/ change them to create one personalized to me.

5. I love finding good deals and getting free (good) stuff.

6. I hate e-mail forwards. There has only been a few times where I have received a forward that I’ve actually enjoyed. This includes the one I just received from my brother Michael, just too funny!

7. I love seeing Sarah after her sleeps. She couldn’t smile any bigger, melts my heart every time. Hearing her laugh and squeal is just the best. I never thought I could love a little one so much.

8. I love blankets. I love that feeling when snuggling up with the perfect blanket at the end of the day. Consequently, that and my love for making quilts have contributed to us having a home with lots of blankets. We’re always ready for lots of overnight guests.

9. I enjoy scrapbooking but have a hard time getting motivated to work on my books. I make cards when I want to scrapbook but don’t quite have what it takes to sort photos, etc.

10. I love to take photos, photo shop photos, etc, etc. After years of talking, dreaming and researching I got my first DSLR camera on Saturday. About 2 years ago when we were talking about selling our house we planned that when we sold our house and moved we could each buy a “toy” that we wouldn’t normally get. I’ve been busy reading my manual, trying different functions out and experimenting. Just in time for our travels.

11. I love family pictures. When I go into someone’s home for the first time, I always notice whether or not there is a family picture somewhere prominent. Similarly, if the family has kids I also notice if there’s a picture of just the couple. It seems that once people have kids, the couple pics disappear and the kid pics take over the house. For me, the pictures in our homes are a reflection of what we value and what’s important to us. You bet, we have pictures of just David and me.

12. My brothers often call me Hank. I’m not sure why, it’s just the way it is. Strangely, in my family each sibling has an opposite gender nic name. Weird, I know.

13. My idea of a great evening is staying in, playing games with friends/ family and eating some good snacks.

14. I’m a big fan of my crock pot. I try to use it once a week. Having a baby has made me appreciate this kitchen appliance even more. I can easily get dinner going while Sarah is having her morning nap and then voila, at dinner time we’re all set.

15. I’ve always loved children’s books. I remember as a kid when the book mobile would park across the road and our family would take stacks of books home. I could just sit in our big chair for hours reading through them all. It’s probably no surprise that I’ve got a huge children’s book collection.

16. I’m amazed how often people talk to us about “John and Kate Plus 8.” I’m assuming it’s because of the mixed factor, a few people have also told us that they think we’ll have lots of kids so the show reminds them of us. We’re thinking around 4, we’ll have to wait and see what God gives us.

17. I love giving and getting thoughtful gifts. Of course, this can’t always be the case, but I love it when it happens. This is one of the reasons that I try to make a lot of the gifts I give, it’s just more personalized.

18. I would be perfectly alright if there was no exchange of birthday gifts. It just doesn’t really matter to me. I kind of find the whole thing pointless, the whole back and forth, everyone getting more stuff we don’t really need or possibly even want. I prefer quality time over gifts.

19. I haven’t eaten an apple, gummy candy or chewed gum in 1.5 years. This is also the length of time that I’ve had my braces on. It also works out that I don’t really like apples, gummy candy or chewing gum. I’m looking forward to May/ June when I get them off, yahoo!

20. I love surprises. The best surprise was finding out our baby was a girl in the delivery room.

21. I used to dream of having my own secret garden. My garden this year will definitely not be secret or nearly as beautiful, but I’m looking forward to it anyways.

22. I had 6 wisdom teeth (two extra on the uppers). I had 10 teeth removed at once before I got my braces on. Ouch.

23. I used to love playing pranks. I’m sure this side of me still exists; I just haven’t used it in a while.

24. I love travelling, seeing and experiencing new things. I am so glad that David and I travelled so much before kids and are now accepting the challenge of travelling with kids.

25. I love to learn and be challenged. I have recently learned that when I am not being challenged I lose my edge and just don’t seem to function as well. Just ask David.

Well that wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be when I began.


Anonymous said...

Really great post Shari! I learned quite a few things about you that I didn't already know.

Anonymous said...

I would like to confirm your love and ability to give thoughtful gifts. You are amazing at that and as they are usually hand made or created by you somehow, they are very touching!
love you lots Shari (Hank!)

laura balzer

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