Thursday, February 12, 2009

Toronto Wine Media Event

Yesterday David went to Toronto as a volunteer to pour wine for all the wine reviewers/ writers. He takes every opportunity to learn more about wine and the industry. It's also a great opportunity to make connections.

Pictured with his classmate John as well as Erin (a wine marketing director in the area)

At the end of the event the guys were able to take whatever wine they wanted home with them (most of them were open bottles). So they took 5 cases home and divided it up. They recorked most of the bottles to preserve the wine for an extra couple of weeks. This would be the perfect weekend for a wine and cheese party. When else do you get over 30 bottles of wine to try, for free? The value of the wines and ice wines the guys took home is ridiculous, hundreds of dollars! If only we had our wine loving friends here. We couldn't help but think, if only we had Joel and Rachel to come up for tastings or Wes and Marie to help us out.

The room where all the writers/ reviers sipped and wrote all day.

These are 2 of the unopened bottles that David was able to take home, both ice wine. The bottle on the left is sold for $190. (just 325 mL) and the one of the right for $50. Crazy! The bottle on the right is actually a 1999 vintage, the year we were married. David had just been talking about wanting to get a bottle of wine from 1999, and here it is, free! We were thrilled, of course. We have both bottles opened as well, so we were able to try both of them last night. I normally find ice wine too sweet, but both of these were really good. I couldn't help but think of how could they would be drizzled over cheese cake.. yum!

1 comment:

raych said...


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