Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 Months

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Sarah is 10 months old today. She continues to be full of energy and joy. I’m amazed how much she’s grown in the past month, all of the sudden it seems like so many of her clothes don’t fit her anymore. But on the plus side, she fits into so many of the next size up. She’s been sleeping and eating lots so it should be no surprise that she’s growing lots. She's 20 lbs now so it's time for the big car seat.

I’m so glad that she’s not a picky eater (yet), she seems to eat everything she’s given and is eager to try new foods. We’re also at the point where she can eat things that are cut up in small pieces. This will be great when we’re on our cruise, just 5 days away!



Learning to write her name with Daddy. She was very eager to hold the pencil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe she'll soon hit the 1-year mark! Time sure flies.

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