Friday, October 3, 2008

Our Living Room

So I thought I would attempt to post some pictures to show what our house is like. The living room was the only room that did not have a wallpaper border. I have learned that photos can indeed be deceiving, as the paint in the "then" photos all looked fine. Not great colours, but fine. Boy was I wrong; all of the walls of the house were covered in holes. Some of the holes were small but many were huge. All of the walls in the main floor are plaster, therefore the extra plastic screw thingys were used everywhere. Yikes, when you take one of those out, they leave behind a massive hole. In the end I know that I filled and sanded well over 200 holes in the house. We used the same colour paint, bleeker beige, for the entire house (minus the main floor washroom and the bottom half of the rec room walls. With all the carpets being a drastically different colour I felt that there needed to be some continuity between the rooms.



Notice Keisha's new perch. She loves looking out the front window and waiting for the mail man each day.

The entry way to the right opens up to the hallway, kitchen would be on the right and bedrooms and bath to the left.
The front door, this doesn't really get used but it makes a great place to hang Sarah's jumper!


Anonymous said...

Wow your landlord must be jumping for joy - you made his place worth SOOOOOOO much more!

Melanie said...

Everything looks great! BIG improvement!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing transformation!

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