Saturday, October 18, 2008

Abbotsford for Thanksgiving

Last week Sarah and I flew home to Abbotsford for Thanksgiving. Sadly, David wasn't able to come as he had school and mid terms to write. I was a little nervous about flying on my own with Sarah but she did great. I was so relieved that she just slept there and back on the plane. 6 months and 3 flights already! Playing on the floor at the airport

Sophia and Sarah. Sophia was so curious about Sarah, she kept sayiny baby.

Sarah and her great Oma

This is the red fish at my Oma and Opa's house that I used to play with when I was a kid.

A bunch of the girls from our care group organized a little lunch while we were out. It was great to see friends and catch up.

Spending time with the lovely Laura

Sarah meets Owyn (Dustin and Mery's little guy) at White Spot

Just before we had to leave to catch the plane Sarah got up on her hands and knees and raised herself off the ground. She's crawling along the ground already and lunging herself forward on her hands and knees.

It was wonderful to spend time with our family and friends. I didn't get to see everybody since I was just out for one week. However, I consider this trip a bonus trip since it wasn't expected, therefore I am just happy to have seen who I did. Mom, I realized when I got home that I didn't even get any photos of you and Sarah. I suppose we'll just have to take lots at Christmas. We had a great time!

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