Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Organizing Life

My mission last week and for the next couple of weeks coming up is getting life a bit more organized. I know that things are going to be really crazy for our family from about next week all the way until Christmas.

Harvest time is about to start so that means the David will likely be working really long hours until sometime end of November. Middle of November is baby...getting really excited about this! And all of November and the first 2 weeks of December are Christmas card season. I'm thrilled about all this good stuff but it just means that we need a plan of attack in order to make it through.

So I've been making a cleaning schedule, a weekly shopping list template and getting a more organized way of planning the meals in a week. I recognize that in order for him to be able to step in and help out he needs to be able to understand what's going on in the house and exactly where I left off. Now the hard part will just be sticking to the plan.

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