Friday, September 9, 2011

Best Popsicle Treats!

This past Monday we went to the PNE and saw the coolest little popsicle maker. You put the unit in the freezer for 24hrs and then pull it out, put your juice, yogourt, etc in the spots, wait for just less than 10 minutes (leaving the unit on the counter) and voila, popsicles! You can make a second round 15 minutes later. However, for $100 we weren't going to be making any purchases.

Then, the other day we were at Walmart and saw this popsicle maker marked down to $10 from $30. The concept, unit, etc are all exactly the same as the version we saw at the PNE. So we thought we would give it a try. We're thrilled that it works exactly the same as well. We've been making yogourt pops, juice pops, etc. So much healthier than freezies or store bought popsicles and way better than the homemade kind we ever had growing up.

The kids (and I) think this is all so great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! That's really neat! And I love that you found a cheaper version at Walmart.

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