Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The humbling experience of Motherhood

This morning we went to Abbotsford to do some errands and see a friend. We had a great time, and everyone behaved well. We got back to Surrey at 12:15, just in time to get home and settled in for naps. We had lunch before the drive so everyone was fed and happy.

The last stop before home was the post office (in the local grocery store). What should have been a quick and painless 5 minute at most stop was beyond horrible. The worst tantrum that I have ever experienced with the kids or even witnessed from another child in public (lucky me).

It all started with Sarah wanting her blankie, which I told her we would go home and get in a few minutes. For some odd reason she was soon flailing her body on the ground, crying, screaming, etc. In the meantime the Post office girl had an issue with the visa machine and had to put the transaction through a second time (great!). Calvin see's a little cart of grocery baskets and thinks it would be fun to push the little pile of carts (out of sight) down the grocery aisle. At this point Sarah is beyond out of sorts, screaming and throwing the little back of stuffies that she brought in all around her. Yes, everyone is looking at this point.

We're ready to leave (about 5 minutes but seemed like forever). I'm trying to hold onto Calvin, there are toys all over the ground, and it's impossible for me to pick up Sarah's flailing body off the ground. I put Calvin down to pick up Sarah, but then he runs out of the store (for the second time) through the automatic doors towards the parking lot. I go to get him and Sarah runs the opposite direction through an aisle. All the while toys are continually dropping on the ground, Sarah is screaming and I am feeling very hot in the face. I am also not exactly in running/ chasing children mode. At this point some strangers offer to help by watching Calvin while I get Sarah...what choice do I have but to accept the help.

I finally get both kids into the van. Thankfully Calvin walked and was cooperative at this point... Sarah not so much (to put it lightly). As I attempt to get Sarah to sit in her seat so that I can buckle her in (her screaming, kicking and pushing and me fighting back), I feel her pee herself and consequently all over my hand. She worked herself into such a fit of rage that she peed, yep, feeling pretty angry and exhausted at this point.

We get home (literally a 2 minute drive) where I discipline Sarah and send her straight to bed. Since Calvin fell asleep in the van he's not really sleeping or staying in his room at this point. Great.

Yes, we all have bad days. Sometimes I wonder why I even take the kids out. At these moments I tell myself never again. But I know that time will pass and for some reason I'll try it again. Just not this week. I love being a mom and I love my kids, but sometimes I question if I'm really cut out for the task. It's amazing how kids can just wear a person down. Here's hoping that Sarah wakes up happy from her nap and that we have a fun late afternoon together. It can only get better right?!?


Anonymous said...

Do you spank your kids or just give them a "time out"?

Shari Saysomsack said...

We do both, just depends on the situation.

leanne said...

Just know - we've all been there!

Melanie said...

Yikes. I know you are an amazing parent...I can't imagine how I would have reacted to that situation! Take heart...can't get worse than that, right?

Heidi said...

Thanks for sharing that post! Now that I'm home on mat leave again and being a SAHM with 2, I'm realizing how challenging it can be with a baby and a 2 year old. I'm thankful that I'm not the only one going through this (and it reminds me that we all have bad days!)

Nancy Skeels said...

Shari, I can so relate to this post! Motherhood is definitely the most challenging role I've ever been given. Many, many frustrations to raising children, which make those peaceful, sleeping child moments all the more sweet. I had no concept how much work this mothering business would be. I'm hopeful when I see friends kids and how they've come through the same stages ... they say not to wish time away, but there are definitely days when I can't wait until we're out of this time frame. Thanks for sharing!

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