Friday, June 24, 2011


I'm looking forward to not having to make any big decisions, for our house rental situation to be finalized, for all the boxes to be packed, for all the details of our trip to be confirmed, etc, etc. I'm ready for things to slow down a bit. However I know that they won't really. In a lot of ways I'll just keep them going, that's just what I do.

Once we move, we will have to paint a few rooms before our stuff arrives, unpack, begin the whirlwind of visiting and catching up with everyone, go on little family vacation, etc. David will start his new job immediatly (meaning I will be doing most of the unpacking, etc alone), since harvest time starts shortly after we get back to BC it will also mean that he will be working longer hours. He also has a business trip to California, etc during this time. I know that people will help when they can, which is awesome. It will be great even to have people help with the kids at times so that I can work on getting things set up and unpacked.

I will also start the hunt for dressers for our kids and all the random pieces of furniture to complete our new place. Sarah will move into her new twin bed and Calvin will move into the toddler bed. I'm looking forward to setting up our place again and making it feel like our own, but also want it just to be finished at the same time. I know that there's no hurry when it comes to this sort of thing but I just like to get on everything asap and make it happen, it's just who I am. I know that it will be a very busy August/ September.

I'm so glad that we're moving at the beginning of August so there's time before baby and Christmas. The timing really does feel ideal in a lot of ways. I've already found a "local" professsional printer as well for my photo cards, so I feel happy about that. I've already registered for a kids swap meet in September and am in the process of registering for a bridal show as well. I am excited about establishing myself within the local baby/ wedding markets.

Yesterday I felt like I just needed to get out and have some me time. After all, I haven't had any since before David went away (besides naps, but you can't exactly go out). So I went to Chapters and Starbucks for a couple of hours in the morning. I just read and enjoyed a frap. It's amazing how a couple of hours of peace and quiet can make me feel like a "normal" person again. I so... needed that time. It made me think about how important it is to have that me time where we have zero responsibilities or things to get done. Once we move I woudl love to "install" a couple of hours into each week where I could do that sort of thing. It makes me a happier person, wide and mother, it's so worth it.

Anyways, that was a little longer than I thought it would be. The kids are both sleeping and the house is nice and quiet for the time being. Thank goodness for naps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Me Time" is definitely a necessity for busy wives/mothers.

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