Friday, June 17, 2011

The Big Loss and the Aftermath

Yep, it's a sad thing the Canucks losing the Stanley Cup and the riots that took place afterwards. It's interesting being on the eastern end of Canada and hearing comments made by people out here.

Firstly, according to David (who was there that night with our cousin Rob), a group of individuals acted out in violence, and then there were the idiot followers. The vast majority of people in no way participated, in fact they were trying to leave the area. David said that he saw a group of guys take masks, gas, etc out of their backpacks almost immediatly after the conclusion of the game. They had obviously planned the riot well ahead of time. By the things I've read on facebook and comments I've heard, people seem to make it sound like virtually all of downtown went crazy and started rioting after the game. Just not so. It's too bad that the rest of the country/ NA has been given this impression too.

Yesterday evening I took the kids to McDonalds for an ice-cream/ french fry treat for something to do and overheard the employees talking about the Vancouver riot. Essentially, they spoke of "Vancouver" just going crazy and rioting after the game. They were saying how it was "just hockey" and didn't understand how a city could go so nuts after losing a game. Another friend I talked to yesterday said the same sort of thing.

It's sad that a group of people can cause so much harm to a city physically as well as it's reputation. It's such a shame that people can see what this group of people did and say it was the "city" that rioted and not the group of people. It's been neat to read about all the people who have helped to clean up the city since the riot. I'm sure this number is much more than the number of people that were actually rioting that night.

Anyways, there's my thoughts on the matter. I'm done hearing about it all and reading about it. I haven't even wanted to go on facebook the last couple of days since it seems that every other post is about the riots, clean up, etc. Most of them are good posts, but enough is enough. Also, just too much repetition. Oh well, got to love social media sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who's tired of hearing about it. Let's go back to complaining about the lousy weather! ;)

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