Friday, June 17, 2011

David's Coming Home

Tonight is the night that David is coming home, yahoo!!! He's been gone for 13 days and I am so... ready for him to be back. I have missed him so much! He was supposed to arrive at about 10:30pm but there was a mechanical failure so he won't be landing until aprox 2:30 am in Toronto. The ironic thing is that it was actually my cousin Mark's mechanic team that was working on David's plane. Therefore you could say that it's his fault that David's coming home late. No worries, Mark, it happens.

I was going to stay up until he got home, but now that's just not going to happen. Oh well, I'm still super excited that David's coming home and will see him in the morning. I feel pretty bad for our friend that has to pick David up in the wee hours.

I think I managed fairly well while David was away, but I don't think I would be a very good single parent. I tried to take the kids out at least once a day, even if it was just to a park, the store or someone's house. I just can't handle being home all day (especially indoors) with the kids. Our kids also love outings and therefore behave much better if there's something going on and we're out. The day also goes much faster when we're out in the morning and the kids nap in the afternoons. Anyways, I'm so glad to not have to go it all alone anymore. Everything is just easier to handle with two parents rather than one.

1 comment:

Ana said...

As it turns out it wasn't the plane that Mark work on. But glad that he made it home safe and you can have him home again. Definitely agree that parenting with two is much more enjoyable. Don't like Mark's night shifts for that reason. Good thing they are not all the time! Have a good day!

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