Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Loving the Bouncy Castles...Naked!

For Sunday lunch we went to the Niagara Greek festival. Once again, we missed the Mennonite Relief Sale in Abbotsford, so this would have to do. The Greek festival was pretty much just Greek food and a children's area. Since we LOVE Greek food, this was fine with us.

David tried to get Sarah to try cotton candy, she didn't want anything to do with it though. Probably just as well.

For the past few weeks Sarah has preferred to wear no clothes. She insists on sleeping with just a diaper/ pull up. As soon as we put her down she will take off her pyjamas and throw them on the floor. If I put her down for her nap in a button shirt, she freaks out and won't sleep until I come in to take off the shirt. I'm curious what winter will be like when the temperatures drop. Somehow I don't think it will make a difference.

So... when she went on the bouncy castles to play she seemed to think that taking off her shoes was the ticket to undress. After a few minutes of jumping around she would start to undress. The first picture was taken second before her clothes came off. I brought a change of clothes in case there was an accident. We ended up changing her not because of an accident, but because those pants are harder for her to take off.
Goody! I'm not exactly sure what to do about this whole naked business. I'm trying to be consistent by making her wear clothes in the day. It's just so frustrating since she undresses so many times each day. With potty training it's also easier for her not to be wearing pants, which doesn't help the issue. Any great ideas?


Unknown said...

What a little character - oh my goodness! Try putting her in dresses. You loved dresses at that age. And you had a very strong idea about what you wanted to wear - but at least you did like to wear something! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I have no tips or advice for you. But thanks for the chuckle! :)

Sharalee said...

At least she keep the diaper on ;) It could be worse right? lol.

Do you let her pick out her own outfits? Maybe if she chose the clothes, she'd want to keep them on!

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