Saturday, December 13, 2008

St. Jacob's

Today we spent the day in St. Jacobs, which is about an hour and a half north of us, just past Kitchener. St. Jacob's is an old Mennonite/ Amish town. We had a great day! We love going on drives together, experiencing new things and seeing interesting places. It was the perfect day. Wonderful conversation, being with my favourite two people, snow on the ground, a few flakes in the air, sweet Amish people in a quaint little town.

I love farms, especially with the snow. So... pretty!

Horses and buggies! We didn't see any, but I appreciated the signs anyways. The man at the visitor centre said to come on a Sunday morning, then you can see them all on their way to church. Apparently the church parking lots are filled with horses and buggies.

St. Jacob's has a lovely indoor market. Loved it!

Near the market was an outlet mall, with a LEGO store outlet! I loved all the huge LEGO displays. Here's a photo of just one of them.

Pickles on sticks? Thought it was interesting, I love pickles. Perhaps the pickle eaters in my family will enjoy this. Sorry Libby, at least you don't have to smell our breath. Ha ha

The Mennonite woman sure know how to bake! The sheets of Platz were huge! Thick with tons of fruit... I'm learning the secrets to great Menno food.

We also bought a dozen cookies from "Grace's Christmas Cookies." David is a die hard for real butter and corn starch shortbread...and these didn't disappoint. They sold for $5. a dozen for small little cookies. People were lined up buying dozens of them, what a business these Menno women are running. We were impressed.

Our little girl was pretty tuckered out towards the end of the day and had a nap on daddy.

And then it happened! We were like kids in a candy store, except we were in a toy store! One of the last stores we went into was a big quality toy store at the end of the main street. A wall covered in quality games. I'm not talking about Monopoly, Clue, Life or games of that sort (while those are good games). There were ALL the Ticket to Ride games, Settlers (with all expansions) and a ton of other games that we had only read and dreamed about in those little booklets that have come with other games that we have bought in the past. We always look in game stores and have never seen a selection this big. Since my mom had told me that she didn't know what to get us for Christmas and wanted us to think of what we would like to get... we could justify purchasing THREE games. Yahoo!
Check out our amazing purchases, now we just have to try them all out. They are all winners of big game awards and made by reputable game companies. Agricola seems to be a mix of Harvest Moon, The Farming Game, Setters and Ticket. We'll be bringing a couple of our 'gifts' to BC to play while we're out... can't wait!

Oh the wonderful feeling of opening up a new game and unwrapping the packs of cards and sorting all the pieces.

Eating my piece of Bienenstich at home. They put a layer of custard/ pudding below the whipping cream, yummy! Also something that I'm going to have to try in my Menno baking. Good food and good games... the end of a great day!

Just 2 more sleeps!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I don't know which part of this post excited me the most...the games or the Menno food! Together they make for an excitement overload.

Nancy Skeels said...

My sister lives right around that area, so when I go to visit, we head over to St. Jacob's. Isn't it fun? We've also gone to an Amish auction - you've gotta experience that. Everyone was there in full garb, with all their buggies, bidding on stuff that looked like it belonged to another era. Before I moved out to BC, I thought that being Mennonite meant being Amish and vice versa. Not quite!

Anonymous said...

Vic & I love St. Jacob's too. On summer weekends it's easier to see the buggies.

Yes, Shari, every week or two I faithfully read your blog. I love the variety and how you share your experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

I have a great recipe and some tips on Bienenstich if you are interested. I also have a recipe binder in sleeves. MIne has expanded a bit since I add magazine clippings of things I MAY want to make sometime. I now have a separate binder for MAIN DISHES and Christmas.

I hope you have a wonderful time in Abbotsford. It looks like we will have a white Christmas too for a change.


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