Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve

Our immediate family always gets together on Christmas eve. When I was young this was always the time that us kids would open our gifts, since we were always off to a larger family gathering on Christmas day. It's amazing how big our immediate gathering is already. David I would normally host Christmas, so it was a little different this year at my moms. She lives in a condo so space is limited, but the people make it just as great.

Pre dinner gaming. They're playing one of our new Christmas games, Agricola. I know it looks pretty complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it's a lot of fun!

Sarah found some bells on the bottom of my mom's Christmas tree, jingle bells, jingle bells...

Dinner with the Family, there sure are a lot of us!
My mom in the kitchen
Sarah opening gifts. Here she is with her rag doll that my mom made for her. She made one for me when I was little too.
Sarah opening up her "Pooh knows you" from auntie Anna. It's actually pre programmed to say her name and talk to her. She loves it!

Andy, Sharalee and sweet little cousin Chloe
Sarah and auntie Anna. Sarah's all about big open toothy smiles.

A few more gifts

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