Thursday, January 5, 2012


Happy New Year! Hard to believe it's 2012! Sarah and Calvin went for their first sleep over at Oma's house for New Years! I'm not sure who was more excited. We dropped them off on the morning of New Years eve and picked them up the next day. We had a fairly quiet evening with a few family members, played games, had dinner, etc. It was so good to get a break, just wish I got more sleep since we stayed up too late. Oh well, we had fun.

I hate the word resolution, seems that most people do. Anyways, I have been thinking of things I want to do in 2012 (resolutions if you would like to call them that). So here goes, in no particular order.

-Make some new/ more friends (especially those in a similar place in life)

-Find a church that feels like it could be home (at least for awhile)

-Get more active (oh the baby

-Be challenged, learn, oh how I love learning!

-Continue to actively learn more about photography and editing

-Be more of a witness to non Christians (being a light)

-Spend more time in the Word

-Define my relationship/ status with my dad (either stay the same or move forward, grandchildren, etc)

-Be more intentional about teaching our children (weekly letter, numbers, etc)

-Be more intentional about showing David how much I love him (I don't want the kids to overtake our lives). He comes before the kids, my actions need to remind him of that.

-Focus more on having fun with friends and family. I want to laugh and smile more with the people that I love.

I'm sure I could think of many more, but I think these are the main ones for now. So I've been thinking of ways to move towards these goals. A great goal and the best intentions mean nothing if you don't have a plan to get to them. I don't want to get to 2013, look back and see no change. Nope, here's to moving forward. I'm really excited about how God is and will continue to work in my life. I'm excited to take the risks, be challenged and get out of my comfort zone. I embrace change for change has brought amazing things into our lives. I love that even writing things on this blog helps give me accountability. Here's to another great year (not necessarily easy), but great!

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