Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And so it begins...

This past week we've really got going on packing. We've been clearing out closets and boxing up anything that we don't use on a regular basis. I think our box count is now at 25, yahoo! We've still got a long ways to go but we're getting there. We've got a large pile in the corner of the living room, all set up for easy transfer into a moving truck. The hard part is keeping the kids of the boxes! We saved the good boxes from when we moved here, collected more from the winery in the summer and stashed away diaper boxes. It's great not to have to do the big box search now that we're at this stage of moving.

I've also started the process of listing items to sell on Kijiji and getting rid of things that way. I find that you actually get a bit of money that way and it's easier to have people come and pick things up rather than dropping them off at a thrift store, etc. Our plan is to have everything packed by the end of June and anything that we don't want to keep sold or given away by that time. Stages.


Anonymous said...

I don't envy you all that packing, but it sounds like you've got a good handle on it.

Jonathan said...

THIS IS MAKING ME SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!! I know you may not be moving to BC, but anywhere is closer my dear. Glad to hear you've got a good start and I hope it keeps going smoothly for you!

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