Sunday, March 6, 2011

Making Play Dough

Yesterday Sarah decided that she wasn't going to nap. Boo. This seems to happen 1-2 times each week, which is strange since she has 3 hour naps the other days.

We were running out of things to play and do so I figured we could make some play dough together.

There are a ton of play dough recipes out there, but here's the one that we used. It turned out wonderul and it was a "no cook" variety which I loved. This way Sarah could help with pretty much the whole thing.

1 c flour

2 tbsp cream of tarta

1 tbsp oil

1/2 c salt (I used sea salt since it's all I had and it worked great)

1 c boiling water

food colouring (extract optional)

Mix first five ingredients in a bowl. Add the food colouring and knead on a flat surface and/ or in your hands. I also added orange extract for our orange play dough and peppermint extract for the green play dough. Sarah did take a bite but then realized it was "yucky" spit spit. One recipe makes one ball of play dough. We made two batches.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shari, you are amazing! - don't know how you find the time for all that you do. I would like to learn more about all those things (except the last one). New info is always valued. Thanks. :)

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