Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

It feels like spring has finally began to sprung around here. I was starting to wonder if it would ever warm up! We went from cold and snow to 10 degrees, it's been lovely! The last couple of days we have been playing outside and starting to clean up the yard. I love cleaning off the dead leaves and finding all the little green plants poking through the earth. I was surprised to see a good bunch of parsley growing and the chives looking for the sun. I haven't decided it I'll plant a garden this year since we plan on moving. I will probably plant a few things just becuase I can't resist.
It's so nice to be able to go for a walk and not have to think of mittens, hats and snowsuits. After dinner today, we all headed out to the park for some needed outdoor playtime. Let's hope this weather sticks around.
For St. Patricks Day we did what most people do, wear green. St. Patrick's Day is a huge holiday with the university crowd out here. Everyone is fully decked out in green and white and there is major partying happening. I don't remember St. Patrick's day being a big deal when I was in univeristy. Here it's impossible to miss, even just driving down the road. Interesting anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about planting a garden this year. I'm just patiently waiting for winter to be officially over. :)

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