Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Goin' to a Gala!

Once again David has earned himself a ticket to the cuvee wine awards and gala. Only the top oenology/ viticulture student of each year gets to go, so it's quite an honour. The best part (for me), is that I get to go this year as well. One of the other students who earned a ticket isn't able to go, so she gave her ticket to me so that David and I could go together. These are $200 tickets (each), so we feel pretty blessed!
It's a black tie/ formal gala. So now the question is what am I going to wear? The event is in one month. I would love to tone my love handles a bit in that time, however something tells me that's not going to happen. The fact that Sarah has started squeezing them is actually pretty good motivation to get moving. It's just a little difficult with a bab, toddler and minimal childcare help. Not to mention my lack of motivation. Hmmm.
Anyways, we're both really excited... should be fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I'm sure that no matter what you end up wearing you'll look gorgeous.

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