Friday, December 2, 2011


Sarah adores little Lauren (who couldn't!?!). She asks to hold her several times a day, each time seeming in awe of her. When Calvin was born Sarah was just 18 months old, therefore it was a totally different experience. I've been truly enjoying watching the kids interact and listening to what they have to say to each other. Sarah will kiss Lauren and say "hello pretty girl." Melts my heart every time.
Little does Lauren know what she's in for with a silly sister like Sarah. This is her response to "look at me." Seriously, where do those expressions come from?

Pure sweetness between sisters. I always wished I had a sister growing up, so I'm thrilled that our girls get to experience what it's like to have a sister. I hope they become friends.


Anonymous said...

SO sweet! It will be fun to see how they interact when Lauren gets a little bigger.

Melanie said...

I LOVE those pictures! Melts my heart too!

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