Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lauren's Birth Story

Time seems to be passing so fast these days. I can't believe that Lauren is already over 3 weeks old! So I thought it was time to get her birth story posted here before I forget all the details. The whole thing was pretty quick and smooth, without complications.

At about 2:30 am on November 16th, 2011 I woke up with contractions 10 minutes apart. After about 40 minutes I woke David up, "it's time." He called his brother Michael who came over right away to take care of the kids. By 4am we were on our way to the hospital. I was so glad that we left when we did since things wre moving along but still very bearable.

At 4:30am we arrived at Abbotsford General Hospital and got checked in close to 5. At this time contractions were about 6 minutes apart and I was 8cm. I received some gas for the pain as well as an IV drug called fetenol (sp ?), not surprisingly the pain didn't seem to decrease at all. After about 45 minutes of contractions I finally asked them to just break my water since that's when things always sped up with our other two. So the nurses called the doctor to come in. As soon as he broke my water things started moving along much faster. In fact, within 25 minutes of the doctor breaking my water, our baby girl was born. She came out with only 1.5 pushes. It was the most painful 2 minutes of my life! Thank goodness, it was followed by meeting one of the most amazing miracles I've ever seen.

Little Lauren Helena weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 21.5 inches long. I was irritated that the nurse faced her away from the camera and didn't move her to her other side. Oh well.

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