Just before the exit, traffic came to a stand still. We were thinking that a lot of cars must be getting of to go the "The South of the Border" was well. We then saw a semi truck with half of the trailer burned off. David exclaimed, free stuff! We should pull over and get whatever is left. Of course, I rolled my eyes at such a remark. We then saw cabbage all over the side of the road and on the truck. We both burst out laughing at the possible "free stuff." Green gold! I didn't get the joke, so David had to explain the Simpsons episode to me where Homer is in a similar situation but it's sugar, and therefore says, "white gold." Of course Homer actually picks up the sugar and trys to sell it for a profit. You probably would have had to be there. We had a good laugh.
Anyways, back to "The South of the Border"... Excitedly, we took the exit and soon discovered that "The South of the Border" used to be a large amusement park and many random things. However there was now boards on the buildings and the place was a ghost town. What a big disappointment! So it was back on the road to look for food and a break. At least we got a story out of it.
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