Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Joys (not really)

I know I haven't posted in several days. There just hasn't been much interesting going on. The kids both seem a bit under the weather, as of yesterday, which is no fun. I feel like they are testing me every minute these days. By the end of the day or much earlier (depending on how nap time has gone), I feel like they have driven me crazy. The whining, the crying the lack of listening....ahhh!! Calvin climbs EVERYTHING. I can't even wash up a few dishes or get a meal prepared since he (often Sarah too) will push a chair to the counter to take what he wants. They go into the drawers, cupboards, sink and even the stove top. Nothing is safe anymore. This morning Sarah moved her potty, which she had just peed in, to the large cabinet in the livingroom to reach up to the shelf. In the process spilling pee along the way, I was changing calvin's poopy diaper at the time. The kids are so... fast! Calvin got 5 scrapes/ marks on his face yesterday alone. Sometimes the joys of parenting are really not joys at all, more like frustrations and irritations. Good thing a holiday is coming, I am feeling very due for one. Thank goodness my mom and family will also be with us as well. The pic is of a little potato smile I found in the toy box the other day. Don't even get me started on the constant mess...
We've been getting a lot of snow with a forecast of 20-30 cm more in the next couple of days. It's pretty cold here so the sand and sun are more appealing each day.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need some of those cupboard locks! And maybe a cage. ;)

I think you really do need a vacation and I'm so happy for you guys that you'll soon be on one.

Anonymous said...

Hey Shari!

Sounds like my life sometimes. It's nice to hear others have the same kind of days. And when it's other people you can kind of stand back and enjoy the funny story. Even though it's not funny to us at all, especially at the time! Why don't they get that we don't want pee everywhere! And that we want a little cleanliness to stay sane!

It seems like the twins go in waves. They will totally have that behaviour for a couple of weeks before they become more friendly and manageable again, and usually it involves me being stricter with more time-outs. It often seems to coincide with getting sick or getting better! I'll be thinking of you!

I'm excited for you to be able to get away for a vacation. Something good to look forward to. Have lots of fun! :)


Nathan and Melissa said...

I hear you Shari! I feel the same way! Hope your vacation is relaxing!

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