Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Problem with Having a Big Sister is...

-she claims all my new toys for her own before I'm even big enough to play with them myself
-she lays in my bouncy chair (even if I'm in it)
-she sometimes hits me or throws things at me (thankfully she's getting better)
-when she tries to bath me she often gets water on my face
-she screeches really loud and it makes me cry (I'm a sensitive little guy)
-I can never enjoy a meal in peace
-my meals often end before I'm totally done since my mom has to stop her from being naughty
-she hardly ever lets me lay on my moms lap alone
-sometimes her loud noises wake me up from my nap
-when my parents are giving me attention she always wants to come and steal the show
-she does love to kiss me and hug me but sometimes she's really rough and it hurts, so I cry
-she climbs on top of me when I go in my exersaucer
-she sometimes tries to feed me play dough or put things in mouth
-she likes to put her fingers in my ears and mouth
-When I'm in my swing she tries to climb on me or pull me out
-I will probably never be able to use the jolly jumper because of her

Thank goodness she loves her afternoon nap! I can always have some time alone with mommy and enjoy my toys in peace and quiet! I do love Sarah, she can make me smile and giggle.

-Calvin (if he could talk and type)

Sorry little man, you're going to have to get used it. I'm afraid, this is just the way things are. Siblings can drive you crazy, thankfully they're pretty great too! I know that I'm sure thankful for all of mine!


Anonymous said...

Awww...poor Calvin. He'll get his revenge though when he gets bigger and gets mobile!

Jackie Buitelaar said...

Calvin will need to develop a tough skin with Sarah brother sure had to! I can't even imagine having seems like enough work to last a lifetime. Glad to hear things are going well.

Nancy Skeels said...

Oh man ... I think we've got very similar scenarios going on in our households. I guess this is life for a little while. Halle's starting to squawk when Ethan gets too close but she's still pretty quiet ... gotta watch the two of them like a hawk! I can't wait for the fun sibling stage.

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