Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blowing Bubbles

I love bubbles.  There's almost something magical about them.  Yesterday in the early evening we were in the backyard blowing bubbles together (one of the happier parts of the day). 

Our Moms with a Camera challenge this past month has been the rule of thirds.  This is basically looking at a photo as a grid with 9 blocks.  The idea is that you want your subject to be in one of the columns (preferably to the side), some things I've read even say that the left is preferred since that's where our eyes naturally go.  You also want to try to get the eye closest to you to be in the cross section of the top of two of the columns.  I've been loving the experience of trying to train my eyes to think in regards to better composition while taking photos.  I like how Sarah's blowing the bubbles into the "negative space" on the photo.  These photos tell a story and capture Sarah in a moment of playfulness and wonder.  Love that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since reading about your rule of thirds on the MWAC blog I've been trying it too. My camera has a handy dandy grid display which makes it super simple.

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