Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Glamorous Job?!?

Crush time is finally over at the winery but that doesn't mean that David's been working any less. He starts early and finishes late, often coming home between 7-9pm. He's worked 85-100+ hours per 2 week pay period since the beginning of June. Most of the time he's just been getting 1 day weekends as well. This means that he's pretty exhausted.

Recently, I can't help but feel like a single parent most days as well. All meal times, bath times, bed times, etc. No break. The kids have been sick this past week and Sarah has suddenly decided that she doesn't want a nap and is fighting bed time as well. Good times. Since the time change the kids have been getting up early as well. This past week I've been up with Calvin between 5 and 6am. Since he just likes roaming around first thing, I've been sending off card hours in the early hours. For three days in a row there was no time in the day where both were sleeping as well as both in bed before 9:30 pm. This is a drastic change from the usual 2-4 hour nap overlap and 7pm bedtime. The timing was terrible with David's long hours and the busy Christmas season starting up for me.

I'm hoping that it was just an off week and all will go back to normal next week. Here's hoping that things improve.

The kids enjoy running around the winery. Thank goodness there's not much for them to get into.


Jackie Buitelaar said...

Oh Shari, I feel for you, and totally relate to feeling like a single parent...and you have two, I am overwhelmed enough with one. Hang in there...this too shall pass.

Ana Ediger said...

Hey Shari!

Thinking about you too! Maybe the time change did something to all the kids! Ours have been off lately too! Hope this next week is a better one for you all!

Wish we lived closer, to help with a break once in a while at least!

Love ya,

Ana Ediger said...

Sorry, that was from Andrea.

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