Today we had to make the sad decision to put Keisha down. We've both been really sad, cried lots. It's been pretty upsetting as she's been a part of our family for about 7 years.
Since most of you won't have seen this coming at all, here's a little background. Keisha starting urinating frequently (sometimes bleeding) while Barrie and Merel were out, so we knew that something wasn't right. I took her to the vet on Monday and they figured that it was a possible bladder infection, stones or something worse. They put her on antibiotics to see if it was in fact a bladder infection, which would have cleared up in 3-4 days max. Keisha seemed a little better the first day so we were hopeful that everything would be ok. We knew that if she didn't get better this would probably be it, as the next steps were x-rays, surgery, etc. However, as the week went on she seemed to be getting worse.
Last night I awoke to hear her crying in pain, it was horrible to hear. She was panting heavily, wouldn't eat and would no longer go to the bathroom. Her stomach area also felt like the muscles had seized up and/ or she had a possible tumor. She was clearly in a lot of pain. I called the emergency vet this morning and they told us what procedures and fees we would be looking at. Spending about $1000 just isn't an option for us.
We knew this day would come eventually. Just over 2 years ago we went through something similar with Keisha and the meds worked and she was fine. We were blessed with a couple of extra years. Sadly, this time it wasn't the case this time. We didn't want to see her go through that kind of pain any longer, especially knowing that there wasn't any other meds that they could give her and there really wasn't any other alternative.
Therefore we brought her in this morning. It was horrible and sad. We both feel like we made the right decision, but that doesn't make it much easier. We both just keep thinking of her and talking about her. I still can't believe she's gone. She will really be missed in our home. We loved that little dog a lot.
Oh Shari...I'm so sorry. That's so incredibly sad. I can't imagine having to make that decision. Keisha has been a part of your life the entire time I've known you! Even I (a non-dog person) liked Keisha! Thinking about you guys! :(
I'm so sorry for your loss. A dog becomes a real member of the family and it's amazing the emptiness that comes when they're not there anymore. We'll definitely be thinking of you and praying for you. How is Sarah handling it?
I am so sorry to hear about sweet little Keisha.
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