Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our Cute Kids

A few photos from a photo session we had when Calvin was just 4 days old. These are some of my favourites. I wasn't thrilled with the photos as a whole, so that was a little disappointing, but the photographer did the session as a gift (trying to build her newborn portfolio and wanted to help someone out). Therefore, we were thankful for the ones that we got. I especially love the first photo of Sarah.

So I don't feel like I've had much to post about these days, as most days have seemed to fit the general theme of taking care of and playing with the kids, changing diapers, making food, doing laundry, cleaning, etc, etc. Calvin is sleeping longer and going for longer between feeds which has been awesome. Sarah continues to be a rascal and lots of fun (most of the time). I have to start writing down all the funny things she's doing, there seems to be something new each day. Oh, and I've also been busy completing all the Christmas card orders that I've had.
David's got 2 more exams left so he's been home more which has been GREAT! I think the busy time as far as card orders go is about done or close to being done. I've found that 2 orders a day is perfect for me, fills in the time a little without being too much at all. For the past couple of weeks I've had about 3-4 a day, with the most being 7 orders in one day. That was a busy day! I'm thrilled with how far I've come with this in just a matter of months but already a little freaked out about what next Christmas could be like. Time will tell, at this point there's no sign of things really slowing down. However, I think January/ February will be slower months (no holidays, less births and weddings, etc), so I'm looking forward to the break.
I can't believe Matt and Libby come in less than 2 weeks, we are so thrilled! Anyways, I'll hopefully post more regularly again as Christmas card season slows down. I get to ship my first order to the USA tomorrow, 60 photo cards off to California! That was really exciting for me, not even a referral, just a blind buy through a google images search. Yahoo! God has truly been good to us in so... many ways, we are so very thankful!


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the kids. But it's amazing how tiny Calvin looks!

Congratulations on the success of your business. I'm so happy for you!

Tammy said...

That first picture of Sarah is just too much. She is so cute and becoming such a little lady as opposed to a toddler.
You have beautiful kids!

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