Thursday, April 2, 2009

Warming up...At least for now

One of the perks to sunshine and warmer temperatures is being able to use my clothes line again. We've got to save energy costs where we can. There's something about fresh white towels blowing in the breeze that just says spring to me. At 9:30 this morning it was already 10 degrees and should be warming up to 15 degrees this afternoon, yeah!
Funny thing, when we were working on the front yard the other day I noticed what look like tulip leaves poking through the grass in several areas. Should be interesting what just randomly starts growing on the front yard.
The forecast doesn't look so good though, it should be cooling down again next week, sorry mom. Oh well, we'll enjoy the warmth while we can. In a couple of hours Sarah and I will be going out for lunch with my womens Bible study group. We're meeting at a restaurant in Thorold, eeks, our little town isn't exactly a restaurant destination in my mind, so we'll see how it is. We're always up for trying something new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that picture. It totally beats what I see out my window...fog, rain & snow.

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