Friday, April 3, 2009

From Formula to Whole Milk

With Sarah’s first birthday just around the corner I thought we would try giving her whole milk this week. David is thrilled at the idea of having Homo milk in the fridge. It’s amazing how there always seems to be something new to figure out with babies (I suppose this doesn’t stop). So for the past few days I’ve been giving her cow milk for her afternoon bottle. We thought it would be best if we eased in slowly again.

I decided to introduce this new milk on days where I knew that we would be home the rest of the day and when her routine wouldn’t be disrupted much. I had heard a few horror stories from experienced moms who tried whole milk for the first time when they were going to be out all day and then their little one became very gassy and constipated. Yikes. I am happy to report that all has gone very well so far. Sarah loves the milk and has taken it as if it’s her regular bottle; I think she even prefers it. Thankfully there’s been no constipation issues as well.

Last night I gave her whole milk again for her bedtime bottle with success. I think that we’ll keep with the afternoon feeding and the odd bedtime bottle for the next week. If all continues to go well then we’ll switch over her morning bottle as well. I figured that if we make the switch gradually it should be easier on her and her little tummy.

1 comment:

Jackie Buitelaar said... never ceases to amaze me how you are in constant transition with the little ones. I am trying to find formula for Adri that she will actually take easily. After trying the regular brand names I am going to try soy this weekend. Maybe she'll like that one. I am getting pretty tired of pumping and with classes around the corner she won't have much of a choice. Glad to hear Sarah is transitioning easily to milk. Harvie will also enjoy the milk too. We have a comprise right now with 1% milk, so as soon Adri hits one year I can drink my skim and he will share with Adri.

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