Monday, April 20, 2009

Sarah's new room Challenge

I know that I've already posted today, but Sarah's off to bed for the night and David's got an exam all evening, so I've got some time on my hands and not a lot of energy at the moment so I figured I would write.

With another baby on the way I've been thinking more about the baby room and Sarah's room. I think that Sarah will stay in her room but her furniture (crib and our end table) will move to the baby room. So that means that we need to start looking for furniture for her as well. We don't have much to spend and we don't want to have more things to eventually move. So once again, I've got a challenge. I've decided to try to get a few pieces of cheap/ free furniture that I can paint white and use for her room. I've given myself a budget of $150. So we'll see how far I can stretch that. I'll be exploring Kijiji, garage sales and roadsides the evening before garbage day, ha ha. Since everyone around here seems to be spring cleaning and all the Brock students are moving out, I figured this was the perfect time to get started.

Find #1: So far I’ve found what was called a jam cupboard that I think is perfect for her dresser. I got it off Kijiji for $30 (inc delivery). It needs a little bit of work, a fresh coat of paint and pretty new hardware. There's no glass behind the lattice work on the cupboard doors. I'm not sure if I'll put glass in there, nothing at all or perhaps a fabric backing, we'll see. Anyways, I’m ready for a spring project and this seems perfect. I love how unique and girly it is!

On another note, David and I were talking in the living room yesterday evening while watching Sarah play with her car (as usual). All of the sudden we saw her walk from her car over to where we were (much farther thans he has walked before), she just stood there smiling at us. We cheered and clapped for her, which in response she clapped back. Then she sat down, got back up and stood there clapping some more. So we now know that she can indeed walk, if she chooses to. The odd thing was that she acted and walked like she had always been doing it, not even shaky at all. I figure that one of these days she'll crawl into her bedroom and come out walking. She's just one of those kids that has to do things in her own time and in her own way.


Anonymous said...

Yeah for Sarah - I knew she would be taking off any day!

I love the cupboard you got for Sarah, Shari. I can't wait to see what it looks like once you've done the "make-over"!


Nicole said...

Very cute cupboard. You can also check out and see if they have something set up for your community -another great way to save!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome cupboard. I like it's uniqueness.

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