Saturday, August 4, 2012

Splash Pad

Today was one of those perfect kind of days (besides bedtime).  This morning we packed the kids in the car and went garage sale shopping.  We found several great treasures, but the best one of all was finding this splash pad... just 2 minutes drive from our house! Seriously, I could barely believe it.  Thank goodness we found it now and not at the very end of summer. 

So after nap time David went to Pete`s and the kids and I spend 2.5 hours at the splash pad. The kids were in their glory.  They made lots of little "friends" and kept cool on a really hot afternoon.

Taking photos at a splash pad is a tricky thing to do.  I did get really wet on a couple of occasions, but it was worth it.  After my initial joy of finding a splash pad for the kids to play in, I couldn't help but be excited that this is an awesome photo worthy splash pad. Half of the park is lined with trees (not ugly parking lots) and the other half is a nice grassy area, trees and picnic tables.  I couldn't help but be mesmorized by the sun and the sparkle of the water drops as they danced in the air.  The expressions of joy on my children's faces and the giggles of delight as they ran through the water warmed my heart.  I was a happy mama.  These are the days of summer that I love and cherish; the days where I really feel alive,  full of love and joy.

You just never know what you'll find when you're looking for garage sales.

Lauren`s starting to intentionally raise her arms and sometimes waves.  So glad to catch her in the act.  Loving this stage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great find! I miss the days of taking my kids to splash pads.

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